In me today they have chosen to reside

Thunder and lighting strike the kite
As darkness envelops the night

Gradually the world fades before my eyes
And all I can see is but a sea of white
Nauseous yet can not throw up...else all the medicine I just took would go to waste...(remembering the RM50 I just spent at the clinic gives me the strength to hold everythiang back...!)

This was how I felt last night...
I did not realise that I have actually fallen ill until late at night...when in fact I have already been sick for more than one day! (The symptoms began on the night before but I simply ignored them...)

When I started to feel hot and cold at the same moment, I realised that something was wrong.

She sent me to a clinic...which...spending less than 15 minutes there, cost me RM50...!!!

The worst part wasn't over, though...When I reached home from clinic, went to make a beverage, because written on the packages of all the medicine - was this: to be taken AFTER Food. But, when I smelt the cereal drink before me, I felt really nauseous...

Forced myself to finish it...else can't take the medicine...took half an hour to finish a small mug of beverage - my longest record ever! Then comes medicine...and...ALL the packages said: TWO tablets each!! Was wondering...why everything had to be in double portion??

Took another 10 minutes to swallow down everything - trying hard to resist the temptation of throwing up everytime I placed a pill inside my mouth...
A chill enveloped me...the shaking grew worse...I tried to stand up...Suddenly, my mind went blank and I saw white light...could feel myself falling...falling...

Instantly, I gripped hold of the edge of the desk, and managed to stabilise myself...Then, it happened again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and......
I realised that I need to get to bed, which was just a few steps away from where I was. But, it was really "so near yet so far" and "the longest journey ever"...

As I tried to make my way there, the fainting spells continued...but...finally...managed to reach...
I tried to lie down...and...it was at that time when...the electrical shock sensation ran through my entire body - again!!

That really woke me up - the fainting spells left almost instantaneously after that...!!
Lying on my bed, yet couldn' sleep - pain all over...Couldn't turn either - pain...!
Had to lie still, face up...
Feel like a log...

This was how I went through the night...sleepless...in pain...and shaking uncontrollably...
It's the first time I have ever been so ill...as far as I can recall...
Thank you so much to all those who have responded to my S.O.S....
Thank you so much to all those who have been praying for me...
Thank YOU, YHWH Rapha...

Under all circumstances, ashira i'adonai...
謝謝妳 小O
發高燒 溫度差不多接近39度攝氏
今天 用盡一切方法逼使自己流汗
現在 感覺好多了 :)
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